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A member registered Jan 04, 2023

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Hi, about this extension,...

is there anyway to pause the simulation(eg for entering a menu) and resume from the same state?..since set time scale 0 seems not working...

you lost me on "male character"

(1 edit)

I wish to support, but after played it and found no h anim i just deleted it....sadly.

It looks like a waste of potential

(1 edit)

4 minutes ago

Hi D8H sorry to bother you here for  little help.

I've tried your Quick Impulse Xpansion 

Just one thing: in the path painter behavior, you' re using the mouse left click as input to start drawing.

If its not asking much can you convert it to a keyboard press like the real game pretty please? it woud be wonderful.

I mean bind shape painter to object and draw with a keypress.


Hi D8H sorry to bother you here for  little help.

I've tried your Quick Impulse Xpansion 

Just one thing: in the path painter behavior, you' re using the mouse left click as input to start drawing.

If its not asking much can you convert it to a keyboard press like the real game pretty please? it woud be wonderful.
